
aunt) who was widowed in the war, came to help Betty's father look after the children, and after he was killed stayed on to run the farm. Therefore, the family con- sisted of three, Betty, a sister three years older named Nicola, and their aunt, Iris. They lived in the well furnished farmhouse, but leased the farmlands to adjoin- ing farmers. They were not short of money, having been left quite well off with the father's estate and insurance. Although the aunt, Iris, generally kept the purse strings both girls came into inheritances at the age of 21, Nicola already had hers, but Betty had about 8 months to go. Besides the small sports car which Betty generally drove, they also had a Rover Sedan, and a light purpose lorry (I believe Americans call them pickup trucks). The lorry was used for farm business mostly by Nicola. Although she did not need to work for money, she had a job in a stationary store in the town about 12 miles away, and along with this raised a considerable number of chickens and turkeys.

Since I had first met Betty, I had accompanied her to her home on several weekends, being only about 60 miles from London. I liked her sister and aunt, and they were both very kind to me. However, I still hesitated to impose on them despite Betty's invitation. Neverthe- less, I did consent to drive up with her one weekend shortly before end of term. When we arrived, I found that Betty had already told them of my operation, and her offer to take me in. Far from being annoyed they virtually insisted that I stay at the farm, and seemed genuinely glad to offer their hospitality.

In quick sequence then, the examinations came and to my great relief I passed and thus graduated from col- lege. The nest week I was admitted to the hospital, had the appendix removed, and was out 5 days later. Betty met me with the car and drove me to Northamptonshire and the farm.

I had taken it for granted now that my experiments with girl's attire were over for good, and now I would have to cut my shaggy mop and get a job as soon as I had recovered from the operation. The thought saddened me, but I was reconciled to it, and thought that at least I was no longer worried about being "queer",


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